Category: Novels

The Growth of a Writer, or Two

I love my friend’s kid, who is now a freshman, studying creative writing at university. As a junior-high and high-school student, they wrote stories and sent them to me, asking for feedback. Other than the recent dystopic play about a…

Our Favorite Reads 2019

Whether it’s your mother complaining you look too tired/thin/fat/overworked or that one brother-in-law insisting he’s found the perfect unicorn investment to sink your life savings into (all $250 of it!), it seems like everyone has an opinion this time of…


In Marley, Jon Clinch brings back to life the famous ghost, Jacob Marley, who appears before Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas Eve. Wrapped in chains, he warns Scrooge of the dangers of not changing his cold-hearted ways. But why? How did Scrooge become…

Baby vs. Book

Do I actually want another baby? Or am I just so full of fear over the prospective publication of my debut novel that I want the purity of focus that caring for a newborn affords?  I love babies. Always have….