Category: Uncategorized

1,000,000 Words

The other day I was talking to my partner, Todd, as we commuted on the MBTA (red line represent!) He asked how many books I’d written. I began the sophisticated process of counting on my hands. Nine. I’ve written (not…

Dead Darlings Scheduled Downtime

Dead Darlings is getting a much needed upgrade so we will be down for maintenance on Saturday (3/18) through Sunday (3/19). We’ll be back in business on Monday 3/20!      

Review: Understanding Show, Don’t Tell

As often as Show, Don’t Tell is drummed into us, it’s not always clear how to do it. Telling is sometimes necessary, even desirable in a sprawling novel, and the impulse to perform corrective showing can lead to page-count creep…

Writing, Fast and Slow

It wasn’t until I joined in National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) a few years ago that I finished a full draft of a novel for the first time. For anyone unfamiliar with Nanowrimo, it’s a national challenge to write a 50,000…