Image source: Colombian street artist Loto
I told myself I wouldn’t write about winter weather so much this year. But here we are on the verge of another snowstorm. Instead of bemoaning the bitter cold, I’m trying to focus on the benefits: lots of time to read fiction, lots of time to research tropical vacation destinations, lots of time to write, lots of time to revise one of those first drafts that I have neglected since writing “the end.”
Repeat after me: Winter is super. Winter is the best.
- Cecilia Tan shares what she learned from reading one-star reviews.
- So much writing advice is geared toward the beginning writer. What about the rest? Whether you’re a beginner or an old hand, Chuck Wendig offers some thoughts for mid-career writers, including a discussion on ROI (return on investment), which makes my PM (project management) heart go boom.
- “I don’t understand why a genre where books often hinge on a couple eventually having sex and enjoying it is so full of rampant slut shaming with a fixation on sexual purity.” Read on for more thoughts on the virginity fetish and Slut Shaming in Romance.
- If you’re passionate about a book, extol the virtues of it using one of these 99 Ways to Spread the Word About a Book You Love.
- And for a bit of bookish wanderlust, check out the street art and murals about books, libraries and reading.