Halloween sugar crash. Daylight Savings Time. Wacky weather. Election overload.
Oh my people. This post alone took me 23.5 hours to compile. Maybe some artificial sweetener, NaNoWriMo success stories and other sweet links will energize us after this long week. Feel free to read under the covers or over your dinner plates.
- So. A woman wrote a novel about a woman who loves Sweet N’ Low and then the company that owns SweetN’ Low decided to “sponsor” the book and “the company showed Ms. Carlip some of the research Mags cites when she argues that the product is safe.” Steeples fingers. I wonder if there is a future Dr. Pepper and Doritos deal for me. E-Book Mingles Love and Product Placement by Alexandra Alter.
- Speaking of brand names. Here’s some practical and highly readable advice on using brand names and trademarks in fiction for the rest of us. How to Use Brand Names in Your Fiction (Just Like TFIOS*) by Kathryn Goldman.
- How’s it going NaNoWriMo folks? Don’t lose heart. Here are 14 Published Novels Written During NaNoWriMo compiled by Stacy Conradt.
- The good folks at the New York Public Library compiled this list of excerpts and videos of esteemed authors. Authors Share Their Best Writing Tips with NYPL by Tracy O’Neill.
- Any article that uses Indiana Jones as an example is okay in my book. Adventure and adrenaline. The energy, it’s coming back. What if Your Story Has No Character Arc? by K.M. Weiland.
* The Fault in Our Stars, for the uninitiated.
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