Let’s kick off the weekend by reading a little bit about the sting of writerly rejection. Then, we’ll slide into how your shitty day job is at least making you a better writer (yay). We’ll get anxious with another writer and worry about things we can’t control, such as dumb hate mail and Goodreads reviews. We’ll tag along as another author teaches us how to write a historical novel despite historical ignorance. And, we’ll end with a celebration of Irish writing.
- There are structural and personal reasons why agents and editors may reject your manuscript. It’s Just Business: Why Rejection of Your Art Feels So Personal.
- According to this article on LitReactor, Working a Shitty Job Makes You a Better Writer. So if you have experienced a string of shitty jobs over the years, then you should be an amazing writer.
- Author Susannah Felts offers this list of Things You Should Worry about While Writing a Novel (Because You Are Not Currently Anxious Enough)
- “Five years ago, I knew nothing about the Progressive Era. I mean naught, nothing, nada. I had some vague notion that they washed their hair with egg yolks and drank Coca Cola laced with cocaine, but that was about it.” Author Jennifer Kincheloe on How I Wrote a Historical Novel Set in an Era I Knew Nothing About.
- If you’re still jonesing for all things Irish after yesterday, check out this post from two writers about how their Irish heritage has influenced them and their writing.