There are many versions of Cinderella. I’m fond of the Brothers Grimm version, which includes severed toes and heels and an army of birds who peck out eyeballs. After long hours of toil and trouble, Cinderella weeps and prays at the tree growing on her mother’s grave three times daily.
Cinderella is the patron saint of writers. Think about it.
- Luck favors the prepared — and writers who are willing to admit, out loud, “I’m a writer.” You never know who you might meet. From Waitress To TV Writer: A ‘Surreal, Fantastic Cinderella Story’
- Is your manuscript feeling a little stuffy, sluggish, under the weather? These Algonquin Editors provide some remedies for Creating Narrative Tension.
- And if your self-esteem needs the help, try these 10 Remedies For The Horrible Things Writers Tell Themselves.
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