Choose Your Super Power
If you could have any super power, what would you choose? Would you fly? Read minds? As a child, I would have opted for invisibility. But on inauguration day 2017 I changed my mind.
If you could have any super power, what would you choose? Would you fly? Read minds? As a child, I would have opted for invisibility. But on inauguration day 2017 I changed my mind.
Along with many of us, my teenage son and daughter and their friends felt their hopes and dreams dashed with the election of Donald Trump. Word is if only millenials had voted, Hillary would’ve won by a landslide. Well, wake…
Before Tuesday’s election results, I was thinking about how five million Chicago-area fans celebrating the Cubs’ World Series victory boded well for the future of this country. I started this piece after witnessing the Cubs’ historic win, and it made me…
Unlike 1969, dubbed the “summer of love,” I would label 2016 the “summer of hate.” Between gun violence, shootings of unarmed civilians and police, violent demonstrations against such incidents, and the Orlando massacre here in the U.S., and terrorist attacks…