Review: Scrivener for iOS
After keeping its Mac users in suspense for years, Literature & Latte has finally released Scrivener for iOS. Now, when you take that research trip to Death Valley, you can bring your novel with you on your iPhone or iPad…
After keeping its Mac users in suspense for years, Literature & Latte has finally released Scrivener for iOS. Now, when you take that research trip to Death Valley, you can bring your novel with you on your iPhone or iPad…
Less than one week until Thanksgiving. This is my favorite holiday because it revolves around food and reading. Someone else makes the food (thank goodness, because I can’t cook), and other people have written the books (thank goodness, because I’m sick of reading…
Last Thursday, I took my annual trip to DC for my day job and spent the day at the office. I always enjoy seeing my coworkers but am equally happy to come back to my solo workstation in my home….
I have just spent two-and-a-half years revising my novel.* The odds on getting it published feel, well, long. My writer friends (published and in-the-queue) tell horrific tales of editors** who do not buy the manuscript, but offer advice, “What if…
I came to Scrivener the way I come to a lot of things: Oh. Fun. Want. When I wandered into the tea shop to meet my Novel Incubator mentee, Kelly Robertson, she had her laptop open and I saw a…