Category: Craft Discussion

10 Ways to Paint a Portrait With Words

I often struggle with describing my characters. Right now, I’m banging my head against a wall trying to describe a teenage boy who has visions as more than a blond hunk. This is all the more frustrating because my mother…

Great Endings, From The Beginning

I did a dumb thing this week. After swearing up and down for months that we were going to get rid of cable, my husband and I finally pulled the trigger. Because who needs it? Waste of money.  Bigger waste of time….

Friday Feast: Down in the Dumps Edition

My fellow editors must have been in the dumps this week because I received a slew of links related to writer confidence, depression, and questions of what constitutes a “real writer.” Or maybe the good people of the interwebs are…

Why Write Fiction?

One of the more interesting classes I’ve taken during the course of my writing career was a class on novel structure in my MA program. We read six novels, all of which had unique structures, some wholly fitting of the…