Category: Genre

The Importance of a Style Guide and Log

Here’s a comment my copyeditor, Jade Z. Scibilia, made about my last manuscript: “I laughed when you had Lynch mention the number of Johns in the police force (I recall we had to work on that in Idyll Threats). Buuuuut, we have…

Fact or Fiction in Historical Fiction

“Writing a novel is to fabricate an elaborate lie. The end game is not to recreate reality.” -Craig Larsen in On Historical Fiction, True Stories, and not Recreating Reality on LitHub, October 7, 2016 I grew up in a small…

YA Wednesday: Summertime!

June is one busy month for you young adults, what with the end of school, the kick-off of summer, blockbuster movies, and the celebration of Pride month. With finals and parades behind you, it’s time for lazy days of reading…

Asking For Blurbs

There are many things I love about writing: creating stories, building worlds, meeting other writers, and talking about craft. There are some things I don’t love: the pay, the moments where I cannot solve a problem I created, and writing…