Letting Go to Write More

I did a tough thing a few weeks ago. I hired a dog walker for Zoe and Zephyr, my two whippets. It hadn’t been something I was planning on doing. We were tight, the Zs and I. We spent our…

Friday Feast: Why Rejection Feels Personal, Shitty Job = Better Writer, Things You Should Worry about While Writing a Novel, Writing Historical Novels Set in Eras You Know Nothing About, and Irish Writers on How Their Irish Heritage Influenced Them

Let’s kick off the weekend by reading a little bit about the sting of writerly rejection. Then, we’ll slide into how your shitty day job is at least making you a better writer (yay). We’ll get anxious with another writer and…

Library Apocalypse!

By Guest Contributor Camille DeAngelis. This post first appeared on www.macmillanlibrary.com and is reposted with the author’s permission. Calm down, friends—it’s not the end of libraries! BONES & ALL author Camille DeAngelis wrote the following piece about the future of libraries after being inspired by…