Search Results for: rob wilstein

The Past is Perfect

Go Figure: Musings from the Mind of Rob Wilstein Do you love to exercise? Do you crave the horrible gasping for breath, cold sweat, light-headed, skin-tingling terror of being thrown from the treadmill or sideswiped by the next eighteen-wheeler on…

My First Time – Writing

Rob Wilstein’s post The (Full) Writing Life got me thinking about how I started writing. There wasn’t a specific moment when I realized I wanted to be a poet, novelist, or whatever. I would spend years working out those details….

Go Figure: Musings from the Mind of Rob Wilstein Thank God. Goddess. Whatever. Could be a two-headed cross-dressing iguana for all any of us know. And that’s my point. We don’t know, and anyone who tells you different is a…

Six Reasons Why Novelists Should Read A Lot

It’s a commonplace that novelists—especially aspiring novelists—should read a lot, and, more specifically, read lots of novels. It goes hand-in-glove, right? A certain number of people who love reading stories will eventually decide, wisely or not, to try their hand…

Confessions of a Wikipedia Addict

Go Figure: Musings from the Mind of Rob Wilstein. Tough as it is to admit, I may be the laziest researcher in the novel writing community, though I’ve done no research into my competition. Research has never been a strong…