Try as I might, I cannot stop thinking about the consequences of a Trump presidency. And clearly many of us are in the same boat, what with all the drum-beating, march-planning, and blooming activism in all corners of the country. I find myself seeking comfort in the statistic I alluded to in my last post, about how if only millenials had voted Trump wouldn’t have won (though who knows how Russia might have intervened). Young people are the future and I’m putting all my eggs in that basket of faith. But what to do now?
Just a week after the election I attended a symposium where Mark Bittman presented a picture of complete doom and gloom. The other night I was heartened to hear an old college friend David Grinspoon present a more optimistic forecast laid out in his new book, Earth in Human Hands: Shaping our Planet’s Future. His 10,000-year perspective that humans have avoided extinction before and are adaptable enough to do it again, and that four years (hopefully not more) of Trump can’t undo all the energy innovations taking place around the world, gave me renewed hope. In the meantime, we have to suck up and face the music. Here are some links that may help us move forward.
- The L.A. Times spoke with 13 YA authors on writing in the age of Trump.
- Much-beloved YA writer Sherman Alexie has his own take on writing in the era of Trump.
- Does dystopia feel like reality now? Here are some YA novel suggestions to make sense of this new world, and perhaps escape from it.
- And in case you thought book burning only took place in Nazi Germany, dystopian novels, and certain right-wing, religious communities, check out this new and improved version of Neo-Nazi book burning – book sabotaging.
- Victoria McNally over at wants you to stop yelling at people for comparing the election to nerdy fiction, specifically Harry Potter.
- Maybe young readers really are just trying to escape this new reality. According to Publishers Weekly, booksellers have had a fantastic start to the holiday selling season.
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