About Emily Ross
Emily Ross's YA novel HALF IN LOVE WITH DEATH (Simon & Schuster/ Simon Pulse) was named a finalist for best YA novel in the International Thriller Writers 2016 Thriller Awards. She received a 2014 MCC Artist Fellowship finalist award for fiction. She is currently working on her second novel, The Black Sea. She is the mother of two millennials and lives in Quincy MA with her husband. Find out more at http://www.emilyrosswrites.com/, on instagram (https://www.instagram.com/eross816/) or Twitter (https://twitter.com/emilyross816).
April is the cruelest month. It’s also National Poetry Month, flu season, and prom season. I actually boycotted my senior prom. At the time I thought of it as a statement (no bourgeois corsage and prom dress for me!), but…
Today for YA Wednesday I’ve gathered some scary story links. I don’t scare as easily as I used to, but I still remember how frightened I was by the first ghost story I read. It had something to do with…
I’m a sucker for a good list if it involves cats, corgies, animated gifs of celebrities, or FOOD, especially mac and cheese or chocolate. I don’t even want to think about how much time I waste googling lists in cyberspace…
The recent tragic events in Brussels make the joy I experienced this past weekend at the NYC Teen Author Festival feel like ancient history. But it isn’t. The wonder and hope I felt in the company of so many readers…
This winter I’ve been reading about serial killers, Arctic explorers pulling themselves up from deep ice crevasses only to die of starvation, and artists and lawyers wallowing in misery while living in million dollar apartments.
Lately, every time I get going on my writing I kill the buzz by thinking about what I’m doing wrong. When I wrote my first novel I plowed ahead blindly, but now I have a serious case of knowing too…