Author Archives: Hesse Phillips

About Hesse Phillips

Hesse Phillips (she/they) was raised next door to a chicken farm in rural Pennsylvania but now lives in Spain. Their first novel Lightborne, about queer Elizabethan playwright Christopher Marlowe, will be published by Atlantic Books UK in 2024. Hesse’s poetry and prose have appeared in The Bridport Review, the époque press é-zine, Roi Fainéant Press, Embark: a Literary Journal for Novelists, and Pangyrus, among others. They have a PhD in Drama from Tufts University and are currently tackling the true story that inspired Shakespeare’s King Lear in their next novel. For more about Hesse and their work, see

Eulogy for an Unpublished Novel

Let’s start with the good news before we get to the complicated feelings: my debut novel Lightborne is coming out next year. And I am ecstatic! Lightborne is a historical novel about Christopher Marlowe, an Elizabethan playwright and contemporary of…

Three Virtuosos of Dread

Dread is an instrument. Its sound varies depending on how you play it. We’ve all heard it before, in the background of movies and TV series: there’s the high-pitched note that stretches on and on, the irregularly thudding heartbeat, the…


A few months ago, I attended a one-day seminar on revision. The lecturer started off by asking the audience to describe “revision” in one word. Everyone laughed when somebody said, “Hell.” Except me. I know not everyone out there shares…