Category: Real Life Struggles

Meet Kasey LeBlanc, Author of Flyboy

“No one knows where the Midnight Circus comes from—when it began or how…It comes for those who need it.” So opens Kasey LeBlanc’s debut novel, Flyboy, beckoning those who need a magical refuge as much as does the novel’s fierce…

The 100-Day Project for Writers

  Thousands of writers participate annually in NaNoWriMo, a communal endeavor in which participants worldwide each strive to write a 50k word (or longer) novel within thirty days. It’s an exhilarating challenge and has produced such notable bestsellers as Erin…

Next Chapters: Nicole Vecchiotti

Next Chapters is a biweekly feature spotlighting graduates of GrubStreet’s Novel Incubator program, which has been running since 2010. Novel Incubator Year: 9 Current Project: The Weather Girl, a dark comedy/literary fiction  What writers have most influenced your writing?  I’ve…