Stories in the Attic

For those of you who read my October 10, 2013 entry (“Purposeful Hoarding”), you will know of my penchant for hanging onto things (not so much balls of string as the archives of my life.) Somewhere in a box (probably…

jamie lee curtis screams

Revision Scream Queen

Every now and then, I reach out to writing friends and classmates I haven’t talked to in a while. Part of the reason is to ensure they’re not dead on the toilet*. None of them are dead, they’re just busy…

Knitting Stories (and Sweaters)

I’ve become a knitter. I’ve learned alongside my mentor, Stacie, who says things like, “It’s not hard. It’s just about making loops.  Loops and loops.” Over the past year, I’ve progressed from making scarves to knitting a sweater, which I’m…