All it takes for me to return to the glory days of the 80s is a title with “4” instead of “for.”* Boom. Time machine… It’s surprisingly difficult to find a gif of Prince eating food that doesn’t look freaky. But I digress.
This week: Young adult books for adults, adult books for young adults, good news for bookstores and new thoughts on show don’t tell.
- Best Adult Books 4 Teens 2014: Do you think the editors of this list are Prince fans? Or is this texting/teen shortcode? Let’s all agree that it’s the former.
- Adult books for teens? YA books for teens? Freaky Friday, indeed. Youth lit soars as angst leaves lit fit tied up in knots.
- Good news for Waterstone’s Booksellers: for the first time in a long time, Waterstones is beginning to show signs of modest growth (new shops; new optimism; new markets).
- James Patterson has given $1,008,300 in grants to independent bookstores across America. That guy is boss.
- Guys. I just figured out how 2** show and not tell. Now I learn It’s Not Called Storyshowing: Why Your Fiction Should Tell. Flips tables and tantrums (verb) on the floor.
* It took a lot of restraint for me to avoid using numerals for the remainder of the post.
** One more won’t hurt.