Last week, I implored everyone to get busy. Personally, I screwed the pooch on just about every writing goal. Rather than force it, I took a break to catch up on great books. Restorative and instructive! Plus, it motivates me to get ‘er done.
If you find yourself in a similar state, check out these books before you tackle those query letters or dream a big dream of publishing millions.
- If you’re looking for some great contemporary writers, look no more! These writers are not to be missed.
- Writers under 40 get all the love and accolades, it seems. You’d be remiss to miss these debut novelists over 40. WE’VE SEEN THINGS.
- Inspiring, no? Bust out that manuscript and get cracking with your query letter. GalleyCat pulled together a compendium of successful query letters by genre that you can use to (maybe, possibly, dare to dream!) net your own publishing deal.
Before you start dreaming of stacks of cash, take a look at the financial breakdown associated with those dreamy deals.
- Did that depress you? Awww. Here. Go look at these (mostly) cats who don’t care about your feelings. They want you to put down your book and pet them.