Recently, I told a friend that I’d spill all my social media and writing secrets in exchange for a steak dinner. She told me that was worth TWO steak dinners.
You can save some dough and calories by reading posts from these actual experts instead. *
Zadie Smith’s 10 Rules of Writing by Maria Popova. This has been out there a while, but it can’t hurt to get some guidance from someone who is in a position to give guidance. **
How to Make Social Media Worth Your Time: When Is Enough Enough? by Jane Friedman. Stop wringing your hands about social media. Enough is Enough. No more tears. ***
What to Write About When It Feels Like Everything Has Already Been Written by Nathan Bransford. Someone already wrote about a gay teenage ghost love triangle set in the Mall of America post-infectious disease contagion? Throws antique typewriter through casement window.
Adding New Ideas vs. Knowing When to Streamline by Susan Dennard. For those of us who struggle with complexity or are tangled in plot threads.
Polling Your Intestinal Flora: How a Writer Cultivates Instinct by Chuck Wendig. Patience, writer friends, patience. The awesome doesn’t just happen–at least for most of us. If you’re one of those for whom the awesome does happen, I admire/hate you.
* Please don’t tell my friend, though. I haven’t had a steak dinner in a while, as I’m on a budget.
** Unlike me.
*** Donna Summer and Barbra Streisand–No More Tears (Enough is Enough!) Emphasis added.
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