Anyone who knows me knows better than to ask me to take a picture. Many agonizing minutes later I will produce a photo that is crooked, or blurred, and the top of your head will probably be cut off. So it was with some fear and loathing that I dipped my toe into the waters of Instagram this past week. There’s a huge community of YA book lovers on Instagram, many of them teens, and I didn’t want to miss out on it.
Not sure the quality of my photos has improved, but I’m having fun getting to know Instagram a little better. Looking at all the creative ways people show their book-love makes me I feel like I’m in a book-candy store and it doesn’t stop with Instagram. There is also a vibrant community of BookTubers out there. Here are some links that will give you a taste of some book-candy.
- Instagram can be overwhelming, but these 18 Book-Themed Instagram Accounts That Will Fill You With #Shelfie Envy will help you get started.
- The Huffington Post brings us Amazing BookTube Channels To Suit Every Reading Personality, and as an added bonus, if you are photo-challenged like me, the first Reading Routine video tells you how to take book photos for Instagram.
- Top Eight Booktubers You Should Watch lists BookTubers along with what they focus on and a sampling of their best videos. Check out Novels and Nonsense for a pretty entertaining rant about how much one BookTuber hates Wuthering Heights and other books.
- If you hate Wuthering Heights, these Brontë Sisters Power Dolls will turn that frown upside down.
- Here’s a quiz in case you’re still wondering Which Rising Booktube Star Should You Watch?